Starting your Amazon business can be scary. We are here to help you from start to finish.
Here are some commonly asked questions. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us!
If I do not have an EIN and I am shipping goods on my own to your warehouse will AMZ Importers act as my consignee?
Will there be a custom product insert or packaging labels provided?
We will accommodate all your needs. Contact us on specifics on details and pricing.
Do I need shipping marks on my cartons leaving from China?
Shipping marks identify your product and the manufacturer can place these on your cartons. Please contact us to get a custom shipping mark to expedite your order to our shipping warehouse.
What documents are required and what restrictions are in place for lithium batteries?
File an FCC request from Amazon, upon approval, email us the document from Amazon. For FDA certification or other documents from supplier prior to shipping imported goods in to the US. To clear goods through customs Amazon may also need these documents.
How can I be certain that goods will be packaged to Amazon standards?
We have been using Fulfillment by Amazon for many years. We are always on the forefront of every change; we are prompt in upgrading our equipment and updating our staff to meet Amazon policy.
How and when do I have to pay for services?
We accept payment via PayPal (under a certain amount) and bank wire transfers (service fees may apply).
Do you have the capability of receiving full shipments?
Yes, we accept and unload any size shipping container contact us for more details.
What is the minimum order size?
We do not have any minimal order requirements.
Are there any requirements I should tell my manufacturer in regards to poly bags on my products?
For polybag packaging performed by the manufacturer or merchant, make sure they know that Amazon’s requirement is 1.5mils or greater. See column below: 1mil=0.0254mm 1.5mils=0.0381mm 2mils=0.0508mm
When using your shipping and prep services, how do you remedy any issues?
There are little to none with shipping services, but sometimes things do come up. Always tell the vendor that you purchase from that you are the “buyer” or “importer of record”. We are the “receiver” or the “in care of”. Failure to communicate this simple, and important detail would cause unfavorable delays. Please make this part of your standard business engagements with the vendor partner.
Are UPC codes provided through your company?
Yes, they are $5 each. Contact us for specifics on details.
Are there any Amazon Tools you recommend?
Yes! Check out our affiliates tab.